Language Tips
The following language “tips” are appropriate for early communicators (children who are just starting to speak), practicing communicators (children who are speaking in short phrases) and experienced communicators (children speaking in sentences). You will learn strategies related to how to speak to your child to help their language, how to “play” with your child to help improve language, as well as techniques for reading books and singing songs.
Communication and play happen throughout the day and are areas that can be targeted during everyday activities. In fact, working on improving language within the context of everyday routines is most effective. Parents and caregivers can help improve the language skills of their children during day-time routines (meal time, bath time, play time), while reading books and singing songs throughout the day
Working on improving the language skills of your child does not have to feel like work. Once you are comfortable with the language “tips”, you will start to use them when driving in the car, waiting in line at the grocery store and even when changing a diaper. The goal is for these strategies to become automatic so that most moments of the day can become language learning opportunities.

Stacey Rose, M.Sc.(A), Reg. CASLPO #3117
Speech-Language Pathologist