- Playing baby
- Feed the baby
- Change the baby’s diaper
- Dress the baby
- Wash the baby
- Play with the baby
- Burp the baby
- Playing cars
- Cars go up and down the ramp
- Drive cars on the road
- Wash the car
- Put gas in the car
- Change the tires
- Cars crash
- Playing Farm
- Feed the animals
- Clean the animal stalls
- Brush the horses
- Put the farmer in the tractor
- Plow the fields
- Ride the horses
- Pat the bunnies
- Playing Trains
- Trains go over the bridge
- Trains stop at the railway station
- Trains pick up passengers
- Trains pick up cargo
- Trains go in the tunnel
- Trains fall off the tracks
- Going Grocery Shopping
- Get dressed to leave the house
- Get in the car
- Get a grocery cart
- Choose food to go in the cart
- Take food out of the cart and put on the conveyer so cashier can tell you the price of the food
- Pay for the groceries
- Pack the groceries in the bags
- Put groceries in the trunk
- Drive home
- Bring groceries into the house
- Unpack the groceries
- Playing outside in the winter
- Get dressed in snow pants, jacket, hats, mitts, gloves and boots
- Make a snowman (eyes, nose, mouth, buttons)
- Make angels in the snow
- Build a fort
- Make snowballs
- Take off clothes when all done playing
- Going on a picnic
- Prepare the food you want to bring (sandwiches, drinks, fruit, chips)
- Gather toys (kite, frisbee, ball)
- Put all food and toys in bags
- Lay down the blanket
- Take out all the food and toys
- Play with the toys
- Pack up all the leftover food and toys and go home
- Going on an airplane
- Pack clothes in a suitcase
- Go to the airport
- Stand in line at the airport and get boarding cards
- Put your luggage on the conveyer belt
- Get your passport and go through customs
- Board the plane and find your seat
- Enjoy the plane ride (read books, colour, watch TV)
- Exit the plane when you arrive at your destination
- Get your luggage and leave the airport.
- Preparing dinner
- Prepare the meal (make salad, soup, chicken, dessert)
- Set the table (plates, cutlery, glasses, napkins)
- Eat dinner with your family
- Clean up all the dishes
- Playing house
- Clean the house (make the beds, clean the toilets, vacuum)
- Take a bath
- Get dressed
- Clean the clothes
- Take out the garbage
- Eat meals
- Go to sleep
- Watch TV
- Mop the floor
- Vacuum the carpet
- Dust the shelves